Friday, March 28, 2008


Why have we not posted here for a while? A lot of stuff has been going on in the Lodge. It's definitely not the lack of great meals and the like which has caused this lapse. Laura made us a fantastic lamb-dinner for easter, and we've had a lot of good food in general. But I'm sure TGL will be updated soon. 

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Guest Cook, Whiskey and Planting Lettuce

A good friend of the Lodge, Paula, had long been committed to visiting us as a guest cook. I for one was really excited, since I knew Paula to be an excellent cook from parties that she has held. Her style is usually mainly Italian; but this time she had decided to do a Scottish menu, since - well, since she's Scottish and we never get to eat this kind of stuff. So, we were treated to cauliflower and blue cheese soup, haggis stuffed chicken breast with pancetta and "rumple dithymps" (basically mashed potatoes and white cabbage), and kranachan for dessert. It was a great meal! The Lodgers ended up drinking whiskey and talking philosophy until 6 am - my own state is documented here.

The next day, I was incapable of doing anything requiring mental activity, so I decided to plant some lettuce outside in these boxes that I bought in Woolworth's for about £1.50 each. Very excited! Today, I saw the first tiny shootings, and I'm convinced that in a month's time, we'll have a load of homegrown lettuce for salads. All in all, last weekend was great!